Thursday 26 April 2012

Staying Safe on Stardoll PART 1

Part of our new campaign at The Stardoll Eye is staying safe anywhere, especially Stardoll in this case. Every week we will post tips to stay safe and provide stories of people who have been spammed/hacked to warn you that you MUST STAY SAFE!

Blog on hiatus

The Stardoll Eye is reportedly having a break while Delenna sorts her life out.

Delenna revealed, "I've have had a great time running the blog but at the moment it's just me working on it and it is hard and that's why I need to sort everything out and then get the blog running again. I'm looking towards August 2012 - in terms of the blog being open again. If all fails then the blog may officially shut down."

By Katie Watts(sent by email)

Friday 16 March 2012


Hey all, it's Delenna here informing you all on recent news and updates.

1. The blog isn't active, I am trying very hard to post but I am so busy with school that it isn't working at the moment.

2. I rarely post, I am focusing on a non Stardoll graphic website to make graphics and a magazine, it is in development and will come really soon!

3. The site has changed, I know that. It needed a fresher look from the old design

4. This blog will focus on opinions as well as Stardoll stuff, why? To get the blog more active!


Wednesday 15 February 2012

Delenna leaves 'HJ'

Yes it's true I have left HJ. I had a wonderful time at the club and I continue to manage it but becoming a regular member is just too hard. I found it stressful sometimes and I did leave the club a few times, temporary though. Last year I became a part of MSW(Miss Stardoll World), becoming more active there. I joined that club in September 2010 but never really posted and I posted more often a few months later.

HJ was like a family to me and we were a strong family but the events in February 2011 showed that HJ started to tear apart.

I visit the club from time to time and I hope that HJ will finally have it's happiness.

Delenna x

Saturday 4 February 2012

Back on Stardoll

Hey guys, I have a important announcement to say. I'm back on Stardoll. I spent the last four months revising and sorting out everything in my personal life, sorry for not updating the blog. It's hard to manage it on my own since sadly the other staff left. Please take time to check the spoilers and other various news areas.


Saturday 17 September 2011

Free Vampire Fangs!

I know most of you have the vampire fangs from Halloween last year but some haven't got them so here's a chance to grab them again. If you are from the UK/USA then click on this link here otherwise if you aren't from those two countries then a proxy is needed.

CLICK HERE IF FROM THE UK/USA is a perfect proxy for others outside of the UK/USA


Friday 16 September 2011

New layout coming soon..

This layout for the blog has been here for ages, since the blog started so I (Delenna) am making a new header made NOT on Picnik. I made that mistake once, never again. A new free items page is coming as well as we have posted free items on the blog and we need an archive of free things.

NOTE: Text in bold red is important information regarding the blog.

Thursday 18 August 2011


Hello guys, sorry for not posting since a month! I've been busy trying to adopt a fansite domain. Btw who is excited for Miss Stardoll World? Here is the official picture for the contest and the ad

sorry for the rubbish quality. I wanted to make it bigger for people to see and it's best quality is at it's original size!
